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Microbes For Life 2021 e-Poster guidelines

E-Poster sessions are an essential component of Microbes For Life Online Webinar and provide participants with a valuable opportunity to share their research, communicate about scientific advancements, exchanging ideas and suggestions, and network with colleagues.

To ensure optimal delivery of your e-poster presentation, please stick to the below guidelines to prepare your poster presentation.

You will be provided with instructions on how to present your e-posters and receive your e-poster link for the presentation before the meeting, and it will be included in the webinar's website.

You are kindly requested to send your e-poster to no later than Wednesday, 13 October 2021.

Please make sure the related topics are indicated in the core text of the mail.

e-Poster Guidelines: Comment ça marche

When preparing your valuable contributions, please consider the following guidelines

  • All e-Posters should be based on the submitted abstract as accepted by the
    Scientific Committee.

  • Content of the e-poster: The e-poster should be organized in separate sections, including the "Abstract," a concise "Introduction," clear "Objectives," succinct "Materials and Methods," organized "Results", laconic "Conclusion", essential "References" and "Acknowledgments".

  • Shape of the e-poster: Posters should be typed in clear fonts and easily read from a computer with the title displayed in block capitals of a minimum font size of 48 at the top of the poster. The title should also show the names of the author(s) and the affiliations.

  • Languages: All e-Posters should be prepared in English or French.

  • Orientation and file format: Please prepare your e-poster as a Single-Page in a Portrait Layout and save it as a PDF file.

  • Font types: The presenters are advised to use one of the following fonts: Arial, Calibri, Verdana, or Times New Roman. Mixing different fonts is not recommended.

  • Recommended font size: Use high-contrast lettering and readable fonts (minimum font size of 24).

  • Colors: high-contrast color layouts are strongly recommended (dark text on a light background or vice versa).

  • Figures and Tables: Figures and tables should be high-resolution (at least 300 DPP), with explicit captions/texts.

  • Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and videos are not necessary.

e-Poster Guidelines: Texte

Before sending the e-poster, make sure the following requirements are met

  • File size: Files should be no more than 10 Mo, as it would be easier to handle.

  • File Name: Be sure to name your file with the following format: Your Last Name followed by your corresponding topic (Name_Topic). Example: Becker_Agronomy.

e-Poster Guidelines: Texte

During the presentation period, to ensure optimal delivery of your e-poster presentation, please stick to the following guidelines:

  • Zoom into your presentation! The presenters are asked to make use of the "Magnifier "tool on Windows (or any equivalent tool) that can be especially useful while presenting your poster.

  • Time allocation: Each presenter shall be allocated 3 minutes to present his/her e-poster. Over that, the presenter won't be heard by the audience, for organization matters, due to a strict schedule.

  • Q&A: Presenters are requested to be available for the formal presentation and the following debate, as specified in the program (will be sent shortly).

Again, we are pleased to receive your valuable contributions!

If you have any support questions, please do not hesitate to contact

e-Poster Guidelines: Texte
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